3X4 Podcast: Dr. Patrick Hanaway: The Path Of Healing – 3X4 Genetics Skip to content

The Personalised Path of Healing with Dr. Patrick Hanaway

There are many different ways of looking at the human body. Pathology is just one…

How do we support our patients? How can we be better and meet them where their concerns are?

For Dr. Patrick Hanaway is all about being a teacher and a healer. It’s about making patients understand how their lifestyle choices have a real impact on their health. It’s about identifying genetic predispositions that have a modifiable quality to better advise them. It’s about guiding patients and providing support to heal them body, mind and spirit.

About 3 years ago Patrick was diagnosed with stage four laryngeal cancer and he started his own path to healing. In today’s episode you will hear him speak as a doctor and as a patient. A powerful blend that has made his story and insights the most meaningful to any functional medicine practitioner.

Topics discussed in this episode:

  • What his experience approaching functional medicine for the first time was.
  • What it means to be a healer and a teacher.
  • How the work at Cleveland Clinic was really about how to create value around functional medicine.
  • The importance of working alongside conventional medicine to make functional medicine grow.
  • Patrick’s journey after being diagnosed with laryngeal cancer: how what he learned shaped his professional career. 
  • How Patrick applied functional medicine principles to his healing journey
  • The need of understanding genomics risks to better advise patients.