FAQs - Personalised health practitioners & 3X4 Genetics Skip to content

Practitioner Frequently Asked Questions

  • Create an account for your own Practitioner Portal. It’s free and only takes a minute.

  • Log in and order your first patient test, which will be sent directly to your patient.

  • Complete our online Blueprint Certification while you wait for the results. Our Nutrigenomics education course takes only 90 minutes to complete and is entirely self-paced for your convenience.

    Click here to get started!

The 3X4 Blueprint Certification course is a comprehensive 90 minute introduction to the exciting new world of nutrigenomics, and how to bring it into your practice!

We’ve condensed the essential facts, insights, and skills you’ll need into 5 efficient modules that combine theory with real-life case studies. You will graduate feeling confident and ready to conduct thorough and personalized 3X4 Blueprint consultations in your practice.

Click here to create your account and get started!

You can see all of the genes we test for in the sample report. Click here to download a sample report.

At this time we only provide our test through licensed healthcare practitioners based in the United States. We look forward to providing our service in more countries very soon – stay tuned. If you have any questions about whether you are eligible to sell our tests, please send us information about yourself and your practice to network@3X4genetics.com.

Our test kit is a simple and pain-free self-swab to the mouth. A thorough rub with a sterile swab on the inside of each cheek for 60 seconds is all it takes. No spitting or blood draw is required.

Samples take between 3-4 weeks for processing at the lab. We use a CLIA certified laboratory in the USA.

Yes! Feel free to offer the 3X4 test on your website through any existing e-commerce system you have set up. However, you will need to place an order on your 3X4 Practitioner Portal once a patient requests a test via your website.

We highly encourage practitioners to join and ask questions on our 3X4 Community page!

You do not need to be a 3X4 Practitioner to join, so feel free to send this link out to your colleagues.

Data privacy is a top priority for us. We treat your patient’s personal information with the rigor and integrity it deserves, and our practices, procedures, policies, and technology are designed to safeguard your patients’ privacy and health data.

All information and connections are encrypted using SSL and we follow best practices that align with HIPAA and POPI standards. For more details, check out How 3X4 Protects Genetic Data and read through our Privacy Policy. Feel free to share these links with your patients!

3X4 Genetics takes safeguarding all genetic data seriously. Read more about How 3X4 Protects Genetic Data and refer to our Privacy Policy.

While genetic discrimination is rare, it is both common and understandable to want to know what protections are in place around the use of this type of information. In the United States, the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act, or GINA, protects all Americans from discrimination on the basis of genetic information when determining eligibility for employment and health insurance. It does not currently extend to life insurance, long-term care insurance, or disability insurance. State-level legislation vary and may provide additional protections.

For more information on GINA, we’ve created this resource: Genetic Information and Discrimination Protections.

  • Rooted in science and clinical experience
    Our industry-leading genetic test is based on 20+ years of scientific research and clinical practice. Yael Joffe, PhD – 3X4’s Founder and CSO – is acknowledged globally as an expert in the field of nutrigenomics and has been building clinically useful products for visionary practitioners for over two decades. Our Scientific Advisory Board consists of top physicians, scientists, and experts in Functional Medicine who are closely involved in the advancement of our scientific thinking and help guide the creation of our tests and product development. See who’s on our Science Advisory Board here.

  • A whole-body approach to health
    Instead of looking at individual gene variants (known as SNPs) in isolation, the 3X4 test uses a systems biology framework to more realistically analyse how genes work together in the body to impact overall health.

  • Reports focused on ease and efficiency
    The 3X4 Blueprint Report uses infographics, explanations, and highly-actionable recommendations to give both the practitioner and patient a more meaningful understanding of their genetic baseline. Our recommendations are prioritized into the top three nutrition-related suggestions, supplements, and lifestyle changes per the patient’s three most genetically impactful pathways. The report is designed to make it simple to know where to start and how to prioritize meaningful lifestyle changes.

  • A partner for practitioners
    3X4 Genetics gives practitioners the added value of an online community of like-minded visionary practitioners who collaborate, continually learn, and support one another as they lead their patients into the future of health. 3X4’s network of practitioners get exclusive access to educational workshops and events led by industry thought leaders, while enjoying the benefits of ongoing support from mentors and peers in the community.