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Shift Your Weight with Genetics

Genes play a role in how we store fat, how we utilize fat for energy, and how efficient our metabolism is. These factors can influence how easily we gain and lose weight. 

Not everyone responds to exercise the same way. Some people can exercise fairly little and still manage their weight easily, while others spend hours at the gym, yet the scale doesn’t budge.

Your genes can provide insights into where on the spectrum you fall and what you need to focus on for optimal weight loss/management.

The ADRB2 gene can give us insight into how efficiently someone may mobilize their fat stores in response to exercise—that is, their capacity to lose fat with exercise. 

Certain variants of this gene may make it more difficult to sustain weight loss with exercise and even result in increased fat tissue despite regular, vigorous exercise. These carriers may also be more likely to rebound weight gain and more sensitive to the effects of stress on weight gain. 

To optimize weight management, focus on a low-saturated fat, whole-food diet and maintaining good blood-glucose levels—it is less about exercise and more about dietary choices. Since stress may also play an increased role, make sure to focus on stress management and reduction.  

The CLOCK gene influences circadian rhythm, and carriers of this gene variant may have increased difficulty managing their weight when their sleeping habits are poor. It is important to be mindful of sleep hygiene by getting at least eight hours of sleep nightly and maintaining a consistent sleep schedule to optimize metabolic functioning. 

Exercise is an important part of a healthy lifestyle and has benefits beyond weight loss, such as improved mood, increased mobility, improved heart and bone health, and more. However, focusing on exercise alone may require a lot of time and not yield the results you hope for. Understanding how your genes impact your weight will help you tailor the right plan for you.

Annelie Smith RD IFNCP

Head of Clinical and Mentorship

Annelie is a nutrigenomics expert with 15+ years of experience applying genetic insights in clinical practice. A certified clinician, she has worked across critical care, executive wellness, and elite sports nutrition. As a founding member of 3X4 Genetics, Annelie now leads Clinical and Mentorship, guiding both her team and business partners.